Marie Lewis


Phone: 504 269-4560



It is plain to see the state of our communities and that education is the major element needed to make the changes necessary in order for people to live peaceful, abundant lives.  Our claimants, first of all, need instruction in Biblical and Moral Principles.  They also need instruction and training in discipline, academics, vocational training, creative arts, self-sufficiency, economics, financial literacy, home and business ownership.  Our adults need instruction and training in these areas in order to support their families lawfully.  Most will never be productive members of the community unless they “learn to do well.”


Most young people are very negative about learning anything but what the “streets” can teach them.  Most of them feel they will never do well with learning academic subjects; therefore, the first thing we must do is to help them develop a zeal for learning in all areas and encourage them when they come short.  Young people must be shown that just because they may have failed when they were in school does not mean that they cannot learn.  They must see that they did not apply themselves to learning at that time.  We must acknowledge that everybody does not learn in the same way or in the same time frames.  Our claimants must get “SOFED-UP” with not being able to read proficiently.  "SOFED-UP" with not being able to earn decent wages.  "SOFED-UP" with not being able to acquire decent housing and "SOFED-UP" with not being unable to provide for themselves and their families that they become receptive to learning and that they can achieve their goals. 


Society must realize that we must do more than just tell our young people that “Thy shalt not kill or Thy shalt not steal;” we must give them the basis and the foundation for those moral principles and legal laws.  We cannot keep telling them that they must not do these things and not teach them spiritual principles, which is the basis for these laws.  If we do not teach them about spiritual principles; what do we tell them when they ask why should they not kill someone or rob someone?  Until we show them a better way and give them the reasoning behind it, our words and warnings are in vain. 


SOFED is being established so that claimants can receive tutoring in the way that they learn best and at a pace whereby they have learned the basics before going on to the more difficult subject matter.  We know that with most of our claimants we will have to go back to the elementary level in order for them to get the basics and foundations upon which higher learning is based.  SOFED will show them that they can have “the good life” without committing crimes.  They can learn, work and apply themselves to becoming self-sufficient.  Everyone has something that they are good at doing.  Therefore, we must help people discover the their gifts and talents they have and how to use them in positive ways.  People must be shown how to obtain and retain employment, decent housing, businesses and other comforts of life. 


SOFED will get claimants from the community at large but especially from the underserved community.  We want to collaborate with other community development corporations, social agencies, schools, business labor organizations, businesses and individuals who offer services needed by our claimants that we do not yet offer.


We realize that everyone will not change but there are many who want to live a peaceful, abundant life without the threat of jail.  But, first, they must "learn to do well." 


Want to help support

Coming soon SOFED cafe/catering Feeding people to feed the people.  Please call us at: 504 496-2905 Chef Joe


Seeds of Faith Equals Deliverance

1123 Lamanche Street

New Orleans, LA 70017


Seeds of Faith Equals and it's partners are doing a food box giveway on Fridays for the lower 9th ward community. your help would be appreciate contact us.

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